Wednesday, January 26, 2005


NO i do not like titles. if i was jamesb i would say titles are NOT KOOLHUT. but that would so be copying him so thats enough of that. ALSO, if i was jamesb i would not publicize photos of embotype girls. anyway, i have come to that point in my life where i have to realise that i am not in fact jamesb at all. ONE MOMENT OF REFLECTION PLEASE.

hold on a sec why are computers being so SKITZO today? i mean really really skitzo. if u dont believe me ask sammie or shaun or both. they have seen the truth. the truth of my crappest ever typing that was SO not my fault. mindo of its own this computer keyboard has. in an uncool way. on the other hand matto's keyboard has a FULLY SICK /HALFLY HEALTHY type mind of its own because........ il give you the big tip.........ITS A WIRELESS. wow cool!

well today is australia day and it was great.

ok bye

NHAAAAA i do want to giv everyone credit that went to jojos bbq today because that was totally fun! and especially JO THANKS FOR HAVING ME AND FOR FEEDING ME EVEN MORE! god food is good. before i turn this into a crazy food obsessed post i should probly stop here with the food commmentry. but just quickly nah kidding cant remember. brain and memory fizzing out. mmmm whizz fizz! good stuff!

child prodigy jeopardy is so annoying, has anyone out there seen it? BEEEN ON IT? now that would be funny

heheh no one knows what im talking about hey i should shutup but theres so much to say. not. im lazy but iive alreasdy said that AMY JUST CAME ONLINE AND CAITLIN IS STILL ON TOO!

for that i will stop this blog and speak to her!!!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2005


OK OK THIS IS MY QUESTION: what the hell does AWOL actually mean. i encountered it twice in the last 24 hours and yeha, well (why do i always make the same typos?) anyways yeah, someone said awol in an msn convo but i winged it pretending i knew what they were on about but secretly ponderedthe meaning of awol. is it a word. is it an acronym. holy fuck thats incredible when the word just comes to you. acronym. not awol. yeah how good is that i just used a smart word without thouhht. yay. what a boost to my already pulsing ego!. so yeah, i did honestly wonder about the meaning of awol, but it didnt come to me. sad but true. anyway, on the pretext of laziness. actually that is no pretext it is the text. i am lazy. omgod its my confessions part 2~ kidding! so yeah i was too lazy to find out. but, having just encountered it on cait's blog, i realise that if i am to get by in this world, i will need to know what awol means. also, i need some help with touche and kryptonite. just no matter how many times matty explains these i still havent worked it out.

anywya, get back to me on that please anyone its not thats hard to COMMENT!!!!if i can u can. and i did

well, so much for my grand idea. cant remember at all what i was about to say.well type. but lets not get technical when we're bored right.

ok ok bye

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

WHY why must i giv evrything a title?

hye matty that was for is this... weeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeweweweweeeweeeewwwwweee

I am the only one awake in my house at the moment. yay go me. anyway currently i am chattin to 3 friends on msn while i write this blog- andrew and i are plotting to kill the stupid bitch that ruined my night- amy and i are talking about why sum people are just so damn bitchy- and matty and i are askin and answerin computer stuff cos i was tryin to unsuccesfully get "hello" downloaded so i can host piccies on my blog. anyway that'll hav to wait for another day.

so today i woke up at like 9 or so, and wow actually its now 12:27 which would thus make it yesterday and therefore i have no duty to remember it. well thats a short blog. bye

actually, while i chucked a thus in there, i so reminded myself of school. bugger. but true, i mean come on people, how many times did u use thus, or hence, or albeit, or therefore, or come to think of it, "haemophilic son alexei"when it totally wasnt needed????huh punks huh? i so know you did so dont deny it. yep the first stage is denial. im so past that, im up to stage 2, CONFESSION i did it i did it
omgod thats too usherlike

yeah SHIT I just deleted half of this nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now im so much less funnier. actually im sure i wasnt funny in the first place to anyone but my weak self.

WOOWOW now im up to realsiation, or memory, i just realised the reason i wanted to blog was to tel you all( if in fact all sums up to any) who read this, that im not actually as weird as this blog may present me to be.....

in fact......



so if you are scared. yea i dunno are you? write a comment explaining what a regular blogger might blog about. not that blog is anywher near a normal word

yep thatll do

im so finished this one

byebye luv embo
oh and mia get a new eye so u can come panckaking next time

Friday, January 07, 2005


ok first up there is really no point in havin the word real as the title for this post. it was just the first word that came into my head because the point of this post and probably most posts not that i REALly know (hahah real) but yeah ok i lost my train of thought.

bugger. well now im gonna BLOG about my night last night. Got home from jojo and caits goin away shindig which was super hawaiin funtime by the way, and rightly sat in front of the tv to wait. and wait. and wait. nah i waited like 10 minutes and then amy came over. yep that was it then i died. she went home

nah choose a different adventure....actually i got ready fancy style cos we were heading out to Ben's going away cocktail party. yeah,,,,when we got there ames got straight into it with a couple of 'cosmo's and 'sex on the beach'. good for her- i was sober sista :0
geez im noble

well despite not drinking i really cant tell you all everything that went on except there was a fair bit of drinking, dancing, peanuts, and stacking it over the coin draw! yep. thats friday for ya
anyway plenty of other stuff happened to make it a fair good night, which ended me up crashing at amy's and not waking up until 12:30 today when amys mum came in and said my parents needed the car at 1. they didnt get it til 1.17 but yeah. sucked in

arrite this is creeping closer and closer to the present and farther and farther away from the past so im gunna finish this recount blog thingo before the past catches up with the now

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr past chasing now arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr save me

catchyas later

Thursday, January 06, 2005

blog, blog, blog

hihi, tis Cait, blogging at Embo's expense... I'm gonne give myself a shameless plug - read my blog at

Hehe. we are at Jojo's right now, being VERY social!! hmm what else, we are about stinge the Nacho cheese CC's..... yumalicious mum!!!


that is all, we are going now...and now that embo knows how to post, seh will be doing a lot more of it...Huzzah!!!!

peace out

Luv Embo and Cait