Tuesday, January 11, 2005

WHY why must i giv evrything a title?

hye matty that was for you...so is this... weeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeweweweweeeweeeewwwwweee

I am the only one awake in my house at the moment. yay go me. anyway currently i am chattin to 3 friends on msn while i write this blog- andrew and i are plotting to kill the stupid bitch that ruined my night- amy and i are talking about why sum people are just so damn bitchy- and matty and i are askin and answerin computer stuff cos i was tryin to unsuccesfully get "hello" downloaded so i can host piccies on my blog. anyway that'll hav to wait for another day.

so today i woke up at like 9 or so, and wow actually its now 12:27 which would thus make it yesterday and therefore i have no duty to remember it. well thats a short blog. bye

actually, while i chucked a thus in there, i so reminded myself of school. bugger. but true, i mean come on people, how many times did u use thus, or hence, or albeit, or therefore, or come to think of it, "haemophilic son alexei"when it totally wasnt needed????huh punks huh? i so know you did so dont deny it. yep the first stage is denial. im so past that, im up to stage 2, CONFESSION i did it i did it
omgod thats too usherlike

yeah SHIT I just deleted half of this nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now im so much less funnier. actually im sure i wasnt funny in the first place to anyone but my weak self.

WOOWOW now im up to realsiation, or memory, i just realised the reason i wanted to blog was to tel you all( if in fact all sums up to any) who read this, that im not actually as weird as this blog may present me to be.....

in fact......



so if you are scared. yea i dunno are you? write a comment explaining what a regular blogger might blog about. not that blog is anywher near a normal word

yep thatll do

im so finished this one

byebye luv embo
oh and mia get a new eye so u can come panckaking next time


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