Saturday, February 16, 2008


hello FRIENDS!
as promised to a special few, and to those who for some strange reason have navigated themselves thru the maze of the WORLD WIDE WEB heheheh to get to here, I"M BLOGGING! how cool is dat. yahoo. SO DETTOL, handy stuff! did u know while googling i found a blogger who bloggs of such things. I sit here tonight with pritika and ali at the land of JACOBOB- some are playing pool and some are watching matrix.OH and caitlin has given me the COOOLESSST hair style fit for a princess! so princess i am. I should have become a lady with hamish and andy cool! (that likely makes no sensse to you unless U WERE ttrapped in ur car driving home from the city the other day and listening to that channel at that specific time of the aftermernoon). ok, me rambles are not so fun as they once were! perhaps tis my now mature mind!AAAAARGH scareeeee! well i shall away as we are planning funtimes for tommoro- GOODNIIOIIIGHT all! seeeeeeeeeyyayayya xxxxx emmo