OK waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahWAHYYgogogoggagagag BA BAM! thankkz. irly need toVENT. as ALAS, i wos unaware exclty how flippin TRICKAY to the izzay it is to BLOG theses days. NO sign in to this even. here i am sitting at the compUter awaitng the sillymc-UNI-mail email to open so ME decides to see about mi blog HAOMIES..from bak in da day, n so ihav a lil read OHMI its interesting and then decide that in the nxt 7minutes b4 SCRUBS strts i shall make a POST seeing as well..NO IDEA OK Just coz. COZ. i can. whoooooooooooooooooooopeeeee and NO asit may appear to u ONLINEfriend. hehehe z IMnot on holidizzles. NOTYET.still alil way2 go...BUT yipppeeedadoo for those of u who are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah1minute tikl scrubs im so SLOE atthsinow and it makes NO SENSE dus it??????????actualyl thatsckool doi ever. OKAY so one thing that is cool NO i mean WARMright now is ELECTRIC BLANKIES.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmTALISH!!!(totallydelish)and wotis LAMEO rite now is me missing scrubs so TOOOODLES heheh WOODLES POODLES no i hate dogs imuststop eheere now BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE luv embo