Thursday, January 04, 2007

WELCOME TO 2007 haaaaaaaaaaouchies...haomies

HAUOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHY MAMA. so everyone WOOT its a NEEEWyar. hahah can i just say now does anyone knoe wat i mean when i write YAR not YEAR,..its like the little old ladywitha POSHupperclassy type english accent saying yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. HAHHAHAHAfunyto me yeah my great aunt that lived to 100 had ahabit of sayin it dat fact thats almostall i rememba bout her but COOLit still makes me laugh. And PRAPS it wld make YOU larff ahahah laugh is funny spelt LARRRF yeh if u hear me sayit oneday. SOthe YAR 2007sure is rubbing it in my face that its 3YEARS since i startd this BLOGGYMcblog and ivHARDLYposted.nevermind.SOMEpplpost like EVERYmcchicken hehehe sorry EVRYDAY!holy bajooley. i could NEVERdo that. MOVINGON. i shld read other ppls blogs for inspiration. IM NOYt in my usualMOOOOOOOOOOD for blogginbutHEYim trying. TOO LONG. im pple HOW WS nye? hopeuall celebratedin style and DONTlet january runawayfrom uDO all the thingsuv been meaningtoodo speciallytheNAUGHTYthings.winkidywink. so i nEED to cleanmORE of my MESSi room. dayit will b clean andil have a BEDROOMparty. where evrywehere xceptmy room is outfo BOUNDS. TO ALL of u. MWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.. hehehe.
cyar. WAIT
I BOUGHT SINGSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay pppl lets SING xox embo