Friday, January 14, 2005


OK OK THIS IS MY QUESTION: what the hell does AWOL actually mean. i encountered it twice in the last 24 hours and yeha, well (why do i always make the same typos?) anyways yeah, someone said awol in an msn convo but i winged it pretending i knew what they were on about but secretly ponderedthe meaning of awol. is it a word. is it an acronym. holy fuck thats incredible when the word just comes to you. acronym. not awol. yeah how good is that i just used a smart word without thouhht. yay. what a boost to my already pulsing ego!. so yeah, i did honestly wonder about the meaning of awol, but it didnt come to me. sad but true. anyway, on the pretext of laziness. actually that is no pretext it is the text. i am lazy. omgod its my confessions part 2~ kidding! so yeah i was too lazy to find out. but, having just encountered it on cait's blog, i realise that if i am to get by in this world, i will need to know what awol means. also, i need some help with touche and kryptonite. just no matter how many times matty explains these i still havent worked it out.

anywya, get back to me on that please anyone its not thats hard to COMMENT!!!!if i can u can. and i did

well, so much for my grand idea. cant remember at all what i was about to say.well type. but lets not get technical when we're bored right.

ok ok bye


Blogger Caity said...

Hey Hun, I know its a bit late, ur post was AGES ago, but...
AWOL is indeed an acronym for Absent WithOut Leave - as in no one knows where the person/thing has disappeared to
Kryptonite, i think is a green rock which is the only thing able to kill Superman
And Touche, well steph tried to explain it, its like what you say when you are having an arguement (light hearted of course) with someone in a conversation, and they win (?) so ur inly come back is 'touche'. i think thats how it works!

Cant wait to see you soon!!

Luv Cait

January 23, 2005 at 4:44 PM  

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