Friday, January 07, 2005


ok first up there is really no point in havin the word real as the title for this post. it was just the first word that came into my head because the point of this post and probably most posts not that i REALly know (hahah real) but yeah ok i lost my train of thought.

bugger. well now im gonna BLOG about my night last night. Got home from jojo and caits goin away shindig which was super hawaiin funtime by the way, and rightly sat in front of the tv to wait. and wait. and wait. nah i waited like 10 minutes and then amy came over. yep that was it then i died. she went home

nah choose a different adventure....actually i got ready fancy style cos we were heading out to Ben's going away cocktail party. yeah,,,,when we got there ames got straight into it with a couple of 'cosmo's and 'sex on the beach'. good for her- i was sober sista :0
geez im noble

well despite not drinking i really cant tell you all everything that went on except there was a fair bit of drinking, dancing, peanuts, and stacking it over the coin draw! yep. thats friday for ya
anyway plenty of other stuff happened to make it a fair good night, which ended me up crashing at amy's and not waking up until 12:30 today when amys mum came in and said my parents needed the car at 1. they didnt get it til 1.17 but yeah. sucked in

arrite this is creeping closer and closer to the present and farther and farther away from the past so im gunna finish this recount blog thingo before the past catches up with the now

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr past chasing now arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr save me

catchyas later


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